symbols of various countries spelling SCIENCE. Medical science
cares more about profits for their shareholders than for the health
of their patients.
Case in point. Although there are many alternative therapies and
treatments for Cv19, like Ivermectin, HCQ, Vitamins C, D, and
Zinc, the medical establishment desperately pushes the vaccines
and boosters on everyone, even small children. One size fits all
according to their logic and many takers have paid the price of
serious adverse reactions, even death.
Of course, they have zero liability and you can refuse, but it
may cost you your job and restriction of many liberties you once
enjoyed: education, travel, dining, and entertainment. These draconian
policies are illegal and a violation of your civil and constitutional
But don't worry, your oppressors will be held accountable very
soon, just wait and see. In the meantime, don't comply with their
tyranny and greed. Find alternate avenues to freedom and healthier